We’ve come a long way as a society when it comes to personal hygiene but it hasn’t always been that way. The generations before us had to get pretty crafty when it came to keeping clean and staying healthy.

Just think about it. Before we had fancy face wash infused with kale extract, our ancestors had to try out some pretty gross ways to keep their face clean, like using their own urine (ew!). Check out some of the most disgusting—and sometimes dangerous—ways our ancient ancestors kept clean.

You might not hate using 2-ply when you find out what humans used to use as toilet paper.

3The King Has His Own Butt-Wiper

The Groom of the Stool was a position in the English court who’s job was to, well, wipe the King’s butt after he used the washroom. It sounds like a disgusting job but it came with a surprising amount of privileges.

The Groom of the Stool would become one of the most intimate and trusted hands of the English King. The male servant was often a confidant for the King and knew some of the most scandalous royal secrets.

You’ll never believe why people actually tried to have rotten teeth.