Police officers walk the streets knowing that their job is to help out citizens. Sometimes it’s stopping crime, but other times it can be a simple as being friendly to the children in the neighborhood.

For one police officer, it was a quick wave back to a 9-year-old girl named Klynn Scales. But one day when something tragic happened to Klynn that nearly took her life, that friendly local police officer knew he had to come to the rescue. See what happened to Klynn, and how both her life, and the local police officer’s life, changed after the terrifying event.

1A Friendly Hello Can Go A Long Way

At nine-years-old, Klynn Scales found her first hero; a local police officer who was assigned to make the rounds in her neighborhood every day. She kept track of what time he would be passing by her house and would sit by the window waiting. When he’d pass by, Klynn would excitedly wave to say hello.

The police officer enjoyed the friendly interaction and would wave back. Every day, the pair would exchange hellos, often brightening otherwise hard days. There’s a reason Klynn’s neighborhood was patrolled daily. She didn’t exactly have an easy childhood.

Next, see why Klynn wasn’t set up to succeed in life.
