Let’s be honest; parking needs to be an Olympic sport. It takes years of practicing to make it perfect, and there are some people that are just much better than others. Yes, there are those who need to be awarded a gold medal for their parking exploits. The following is not about those sort of individuals. Quite the opposite. It has to do with the people who couldn’t park straight if their lives depended on it.

3No parking, please

It’s fair to say that we’re all guilty of parking where we shouldn’t sometimes. When you’re in a rush, you can often slot into the first space you see, without checking whether you’re allowed to park there, whether it’s free, or even whether it’s legal.

However, sometimes it’s pretty obvious where you can and can’t park, and you don’t have to look too hard to see this for yourself. Despite the trash cans that read “No Parking,” this shiny Range Rover still decided to do their thing and chance it in this non-parking space. In the end, one annoyed staff member decided to use these trash cans to their advantage. Try getting out now, punk.