Getting a tattoo is a big deal because it stays with you for the rest of your life, so you should probably pick something you know you will love to look at every single day. But even if you don’t like the tattoo you got, cheer up. You may end up on one of these hilarious lists of people who got terrible tattoos. They are funny for many reasons, such as a horrible spelling mistakes that makes you wonder whether it was done on purpose. Some are hilarious because they are ironic, while others are just terrible depictions. Regardless of why they are funny, these terrible tattoos will make you think twice about getting one!

2Looking Like A Looney Toon

This is a horrible tattoo that succeeds in making someone awesome look foolish. At least you can tell who was being drawn, though, as the drawing has a set of teeth just like Freddie Mercury had and it’s hard to get him confused with anyone else.

Surely many fans of Queen have had Freddie Mercury tattooed on their body at one point in their lives, but this might just take the cake for the very worst tattoo made of the rock singer.