While a lot of meat and dairy products need to be refrigerated to keep from molding or going bad, there are a lot of other foods that should never be refrigerated. A refrigerator is a very specific, cool, dark environment that isn’t hospitable for every kind of food item. After reading this article, you might need to make some more space in your pantry.

Keep reading to find out where you should really be storing your carrots, pineapples, and dark chocolate.

Keep reading to see why ‘cool as a cucumber’ is just a saying and not a fact.

5Don’t Dry Out Your Bread

Nothing dries out bread faster than leaving it in the refrigerator. At cold temperatures, bread will turn stale, dry, and tasteless. Also, bread acts as a kind of sponge and it will soak up whatever odors are lingering around your fridge.

To be safe, store leftover bread in a breadbox. This closed off box will keep moisture from escaping from your delicious bread. If you don’t have a breadbox, you can always store your bread in a microwave. Just make sure you don’t accidentally turn it on.