It seems that when the climate-change activist, Greta Thunberg, isn’t out shouting at world leaders, hanging out with Leonardo DiCaprio, or riding bikes with Arnold Schwarzenegger, she is traveling back in time.

Yep, the latest internet rumor is that the Swedish teenager is actually a time-traveler. I think I’ve had enough of the internet for one day…

A 120-year-old photograph has recently gone viral after it apparently pictures the youngster herself, working at a gold mine. Conspiracy theorists are convinced that it’s solid evidence of her apparent time-travel, while others aren’t so convinced.

Keep scrolling for the full details, and to see the spooky photo itself…

4Her unwavering commitment to the environment has woken the rest of the world.

While a little over a year ago, the name “Greta Thunberg” was relatively unknown, now, hers is the first name that springs to mind when you think of the climate change movement.