For centuries, the public has had a rather interesting relationship with the police. For one particular woman, her encounter with police officer Kevin Zimmerman left her in absolute shock when he did something completely unexpected.

Officer Pulls Over Woman To Give Ticket, Ends Up Doing This Instead After Learning The Truth

While most times police officers are synonymous with something bad happening – such as a break-in, a speeding ticket or an accident, they can also conjure feelings of safety and protection when they arrive in their branded uniform.

What started off as a bad encounter with an officer, turned out to be something completely different for Andrella Jackson of Milwaukee. 

3It Started Off As A Seemingly Normal Day But Would End On A Very Different Note

Part of a police officer’s job is to protect the city with dedication. Sometimes that means waking up on a Saturday morning and going to work while everyone else enjoys their weekend relaxing. On one Saturday morning in October, Kevin rolled out of bed and headed off to patrol.

Winter was approaching and there was a bite of cold in the air, but he prepared himself for a regular day of routine patrol work. The last thing that Kevin expected was for his life to change – or that he would change anybody else’s.